Cloudflare - The Psycho Identity Thief - Part Eight

1 year ago

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Yes, I USED to play GTA Online as midirium (now it's badabumbadabim) and I will periodically upload videos from ingame experience. My account was reset and I was suspended for one month.

I am starting to become a pvp player and my only training in combats are the fights I involve in when tryhards attack me first. Griefers hate high levels like me to be seen playing GTA so instead they pick me as their K/D farm and simply won't stop humiliating me. Some are trash talkers, some make fun of me while they are repeatedly harassing me, some are quiet killers and decide not so speak at all or they speak just when they are about to leave session. The other players are kept in the middle of those disputes and it's annoying for them to be spammed with insults on public chat. Some of them do expect from a 675 lvl player to keep everyone safe (including himself). Guess what? I still fail to do so most of the times. I believe 1 to 1 fights are to be asked for in order to be accepted or declined, like 1 vs 1 deathmatches. It happened to me just once and it was a pleasant surprise.

A while ago I was in the lobby with someone using an offensive name, obviously a hater, a trash talker, a bully and also a modder who, as I figured out later, has a morbid pleasure in hunting people in their public or private lobbies where he continues to troll, kill, harass, crash their game and mess with their Internet connection.

As the time passed, I noticed that at certain occasions I was followed by this bizarre form of life in the lobbies where I peacefully grinded or simply had a fun time with my friends, often being killed, intoxicated with hate speech and crashed my game. He also messed with my Internet connection so bad that I could not log in for an entire day. This happened more than once.

He came in the sessions using different names but always letting me know that I was his target, by dropping expressions like "5upcatchup" or making reference to my YouTube channel and its weak content. Also, he used his mod menu to simulate other player's hate and trash speech, including myself.

Once he pretended to be one of his own "victims", telling me that his friends gave up GTA Online due to him chasing them for years. When I looked into his profile, it was a stolen identity. When pressing z showed player's list with him having a normal name and low rank, it was different after I went in the main menu and checked his stats.

He claimed to have 102 identities. Right before New Year's Eve, shortly after Christmas, he bullied me 2-3 times per day. He threatened me saying that he will use my name, rank and K/D to spread his hate.

Even if I use VPN protection, he brute force enter any lobby I am into, eventually.

I decided to upload everything I have on him and the identities he used to prove what a psycho fuck he is. If some people I told this story to are still a bit reluctant to believe it, I guess this new series will give them a hint about people like Cloudflare. The sad truth is that they can really harm you by contributing to your account suspension/reset using fake reports. Unfortunately, Rockstar is still suspending accounts based on fake reports.

This fucking trash of a human being is not my problem anymore. I gave him too much attention but apparently not enough, because I am still on his trolling list and I'm not sure how to deal with such situations. I will post the rest of all materials I have with him talking trash, having a racist attitude or simply provoking me to swear and get mad.

This is the last chapter of this series. Cloudflare, fuck your family bro.

Previous encounters with Cloudflare:

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