[biosecure] - Lisbon 2023 Catholic Church International Youth Day Apocalypse

1 year ago

[biosecure] - Lisbon 2023 Catholic Church International Youth Day Apocalypse

In the week between Monday 31.07.2023 - Sunday 06.08.2023 Lisbon (the capital city of Portugal) is host to the Catholic Church International World Youth Day, an event that is expected to bring more than 1 million visitors from all corners of the Earth to the center of the world map in Lisbon.

Astrologers and gematria experts claim that Portugal will see its next golden age between the years 2024 (which by the way is the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution) and 2039.

But first, Portugal has to pass through the challenge of a potential biological apocalypse caused by this Catholic Church event.

As the broader human population of Portugal has not yet undergone EMP treatment to remove the synthetic nano-parasites that came over the Earth from "Oumuamua" and its human collaborators, the danger level is extremely high. Bioinsecure spike protein carriers from across the Earth are carrying dangerous biological payloads unwittingly into Lisbon.

This could end in a disaster with millions of dead humans.

But the human population, especially the Western population, is more pre-occupied with the fake "threat" of global warming, nowadays euphemistically entitled "climate change".

If it was really a threat - which it is not - it could more effectively solved by embracing an abundance mindset and implementing cutting-edge scientific solutions, but the predominant bio-cybernetic control systems of Earth-human society instead push out messages of abnegation, sacrifice and scarcity, a resource depletion mindset.

This is wrong, on every level of ethical and moral observation. Therefore the best course of action is to deactivate the human bio-cybernetic control system and replace it with AI-control.

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