Hey Fam! It's Been A Few!! Part One Of "The Trip" Vlog and One Pack Rip! HDZero DVR! #fpv #hdzero

1 year ago

Well, I know it has been a few minutes since I have stepped in front of the camera. I have been on an adventure of rediscovering myself! I dove deep into ADHD and how it actually affects my life. Did you know, there may be a strong correlation between ADHD and Autism? I did not know this. The research, to me, is still new and unproven. There are many tests and just to see for myself, I scored rather high on 7 separate tests designed to detect Autism in adults. OK, I was a bit shocked, yes there is overlapping traits between the disorders... I find that to be rather interesting!! I have been masking my personality my entire life... If that is the case, who am I really? Let me tell you, I believe I'm still the same person, but more aware. All this information hit me like a 2 ton heavy thing!! Yes, Queensryche reference, if you know you know, lol...

I have been sorting out all this information and the emotions it brought with it. I found myself asking the typical questions most people would. "Who am I really", "How would my life be different if I knew when I was a child"? I cannot say for certainty I am Autistic. I was diagnosed ADHD. May be there's a chance I am Autistic too. I can certainly relate to certain behaviors I have or had in the past better now.

Either way, it has been a real eye opening experience. I have learned more about myself in a couple months compared to most of my life!! I have some direction again and my lower back is doing really well!! This trip had a couple moments where I did hurt a little. The result of sitting in the car for too long. We took a few more rest breaks on the way home and today I feel almost no pain in the lower back.

This little bit of self discovery has helped with my marriage too! I love my wife and would walk to the end's of the Earth to bring her hearts desires. Fixing my attitude required understanding who I was. It also showed me that I have a long way to go, but I know where I am going now!!

Thanks Fam! I know it was a little bit to read, but I felt I needed to explain what's going on and why I have not been posting more. Stay tuned for more to come from this trip!! I met another pilot other than Don-E!!!

Later Fam!!!

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