LEFT PANICS Over BASED Judge Ruling Biden Violated Constitution & STOPPING CENSORSHIP #conservative

1 year ago

Welcome to the latest edition of the Common Sense Garage, where we unmask the glaring hypocrisies, double standards, and outright absurdities of today's political landscape. Today, we're celebrating a triumphant win for free speech, a verdict that has the leftist media brigade and the Biden administration sweating bullets. A Trump-appointed judge has delivered a resounding verdict safeguarding our First Amendment rights, liberating us from the rampant government meddling in free speech and political commentary.

In this monumental ruling, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty of Louisiana clamped down on the pervasive Big Tech censorship backed by the Biden administration. He rebuked the White House and federal agencies for manipulating social media platforms, stymieing posts for political purposes, and curtailing the dissemination of certain viewpoints. This power move checks the encroachment of the federal government into our rights to free speech, sending shockwaves through the left-leaning echo chambers, particularly in the media.

The judge's injunction impedes the government from dictating the narrative on public platforms. This blowback stems from the shocking revelations laid bare by Elon Musk and his team, exposing the underhanded collusion between previous Twitter leadership and the government, aiming to muzzle voices they disagreed with – particularly conservative ones. Thanks to the bold stance of Judge Doughty, this clandestine stifling of free speech has been thwarted.

The ruling unfolds amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis. Previously, the Biden administration pressured Big Tech to quell what they branded as "misinformation" about the pandemic, much of which has proven to be accurate. The Republican Attorney Generals of Louisiana and Missouri championed this lawsuit, accusing the Biden administration of constructing a federal censorship apparatus to smother contentious topics, from COVID-19 policies, the Hunter Biden laptop story, to election integrity.

The ripple effects of this historic ruling are resounding. CNN, in their predictable dismay, has once again exposed its bias and the relentless attempts to stifle voices they disagree with. The irony is stark - the left is becoming the very thing they claim to despise, the oppressive authoritarians they've been accusing Trump and the conservatives of being.

In this episode, we examine the fine details of the ruling, its implications on free speech, the reactions of the leftist media, and the vindication of the First Amendment. Like, subscribe, and join us in our commitment to defend common sense in an increasingly skewed political landscape. Remember, every share of the Common Sense Garage puts us one step closer to preserving our freedoms.

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