24. Instincts and Intellect

1 year ago

Most people have a life foundation
Made-up of instincts, there are three:
An instinct of self-preservation
(It’s our food, sleep, comfort question,
All natural body needs, and fear);
Libido; Own domination
In order to prevail and steer.

It’s better when by dint of using
Your intellect you realize
What’s going on, with profit choosing
The truth instead of myths and lies.
You look at the existent issues
In terms of “Who's to get the gain?”,
Defining thereby the main
Direct of thought. Being ambitious,
You check the facts and, having found
The true one, you predict the pace
Of those developments around,
Which take and will one day take place.
You understand that all processes
Are managed by someone, and try
To stay away from that excesses,
About which the prompters cry.
Not trusting words, you probe the story
And only after you decide
Whether to trust or set aside,
To later on will not be sorry.

So, animals rely on instincts,
Folks should more look to intellect,
And better yet use their mixing
For a sane life and self-respect.

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