'Boston Marathon Bombings "The Sandy Hook Connection" - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Apr 26, 2013

That larger contingent of what appears to be Craft International guns for hire Terrorist Mercenaries behaved rather strangely in the lead-up to the bomb attacks and afterward. and there is a Sandy Hook connection a must see proof @ http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/...

There is a photo showing the truck from the scene with guys dressed like this gathering beside it and there is now a photo of an ADVON truck at the end of the article.

But in the interest of honest journalism, I have to say this makes sense. They would be given access to the site after the attack and the truck is apparently an ADVON vehicle. Doesn't explain why one of them is wearing a Craft International hat, but I guess he could just be wearing it. Are they government or are they contractors? I don't know.

Of course, that just looks like an ADVON truck. That does not necessarily suggest that is their role on site. Frankly I don't see any of them working to get communications up and running and that satellite dish on top of the truck is still folded down so that isn't doing anyone any good. I can't tell from what they are doing, that is for sure. But there it is, for you to consider.

Since the horrific Boston bombing took place and 4Chan was able to put together a bunch of photos of people in the area, my focus has been on the two guys from Craft International who were photographed not far from the scene of the first explosion.

Many readers here have contributed to the ongoing investigation, unofficial as it may be, and I've come to understand their role a little better.

What I have found out is that they were part of a larger contingent of similarly dressed assets on scene early on for some unnamed reason, perhaps security, perhaps not. That larger contingent of what appears to be Craft International contractors behaved rather strangely in the lead-up to the bomb attacks and afterward.

What I found was that right before the blasts two of them can be seen hanging around and waiting with a third man who seems to be carrying TWO bags... one slung over each shoulder. One of those seems to match the description of the dark backpack that was found by the Feds and which they claim one of the bombs was in.

Another interesting thing I have discovered is that two of these two professionals from Craft International seem to be leaving the scene right after the bombs go off and right after talking on their headsets to someone. Other Craft assets meet later but don't seem to want to get involved helping the injured. And what is with those bags they all seem to be carrying?

If these were security assets hired by Boston to watch over the crowd at the marathon, isn't it odd that they would seem to take off right after the explosions when they would have been needed the most?

Below you will find photographic evidence of all the claims I just made and my hypothesis regarding the Boston bombing.
It's not like they are in a rush to get out of there, but they certainly aren't assisting the first responders as many of the regular citizens are doing. They aren't using their experience in the field with injured people to aid those who have been hurt in the blast.

Other photos show at least one Craft International operative running while carrying some kind of device right after the attack. It's not a detonator, that would be way too obvious and stupid. Besides, by time that photo had been taken, the bombs had already gone off so you would think someone would put away an obvious smoking gun like a detonator rather than running around with it out in his hand in plain sight, don't ya think?

In Friday night's interview, with host Pastor Butch Paugh, some dots were connected concerning the three officers from Connecticut, who were early responders to the Sandy Hook School shooting. Lt. McCoy remarked, the three officers were federal agents, but knows for sure who the man in the middle is.
These three (first responders) officers were interviewed by CBS, about what happen the day of the Sandy Hook School shooting. According to Lt. McCoy, the man setting in the middle of the three during the CBS interview, is not who he says he is, but instead a Federal Agent that goes by the name "Chrome Dome".

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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