Dismissive Drinking: Americans IGNORING Medical Advice to CUT BACK on Drinking Alcohol!

1 year ago

I found an article stemming from a survey done in 2021 that up to 25% of Americans lie to their doctor about the amount of alcohol they drink and would ignore medical advice to cut back on their drinking! I find empathy with such people as I have struggled in the past with my drinking and it took a major life change in order for me to reflect and realize I had a problem and have taken steps to cut back on the amount of alcohol I drink (can still do better I can assure you all!). If you know someone who has a problem drinking alcohol, I encourage you to encourage them to seek help, though understand it is ultimately up to them to be motivated enough to seek help on their own. Also make sure to leave a like and follow (yes it says subscribe; I know. I have attempted a standard OBS scene in order to try to get this video out there and it's a different format of video from what I am used to. Let me know in the comments if it looks good, what I can do better, any settings suggestions that I can try to program, etc.).

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