Part #2 of the "Deliverance" series. Featuring channeled message from Frederick Douglass!

1 year ago

Greetings to all during this incredible time frame of July 2nd-10th. This second part of the series relates the current energes to the past through the wisdom of Frederick Douglass, the abolitionist from the early 1800's. Topics covered are, deliverance, independence day being steeped in hypocrisy and suppression of most humans, hope for the future and a clearing session from me.
Enjoy, from my heart to yours. Holly Jo Bouchard and

#FrederickDouglass #Juneteenth #IndependenceDay #EnergyUpdate #AwakeningCodes #777GatewayPortal #SiriusGateway #Deliverance #Transendence #CosmicConsciousness #SoulSovreignty #NewBeginnings #AscensionMentor #Healing #SuperFullMoon #ChanneledMessages #MasterHealer

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