"Ghost Boots" of Swede's Corner Photo Put Thru Filters - Drummon, Montana

1 year ago

Backstory: Soon after publishing "Haunted Marysville, Montana", a resident told me of his friends experiencing paranormal things at the old bar, Swede's Corner, that they bought in Drummon. I traveled over (with forewarning) to get a tour and hear the tales. GREAT clean, open bar/cafe. AMAZING full basement with a 1930s Prohibition party room, escape tunnel, unopened locked closets (yeah, right? day one, baby, if it was me) and even banks of old wooden bus station lockers from the 1940s. Nothing seen but wow. Far as the boots are concerned ...
Report: 2 staff and ?2-3? hangers-on wrapping up, closing for night. They hear unspecified noises down in the basement. Nobody should be down there. Some or all go down to see, one staff lady with cell phone video recording. They are all off the stairs, looking around and they see what I was told was "a pair of ghost boots that shouldn't be there", all racing back Scooby-Doo style. Lady w/cam swept area and "got it on film."
The women w/footage was not working that night. I heard quite a few more chilling reports; ZERO hint or evidence they were hoaxing or somehow deluded that as an author I was going to help out marketing or something. They were just concerned, period. So if a ruse or promo attempt, they'd have all this material in hand, I'd think. Cool in that someone called another staff lady who came in for a drink/tale all mussed up from helping deliver a calf. 100% authentic.
Thanked them, was going to do a YT vid maybe a dozen people may see, blah, blah. And the inevitable "Can you please send me the boots video or other things mentioned?" Then waited for a couple weeks long enough to backburner and shrug. But they were about as quick as I am at times and did get this frame from the video. Would have got whole thing I think but tech hassles/file size hassles. OK. I see a guy in boots standing in the corner. Big deal. ....
Disappointing, in fact. Until hearing it with own ears. The group took one look and bailed. But look closer. Lots of odd things like an arm that seems to vanish at the waist and able to see wall behind through it. Only after basic filters did I see jeans? and other wispy details suggesting more (or is that "less"?) than a dude standing there as a bad joke. Further, if suggesting GHOST BOOTS, why not just, oh I don't know, USE A PAIR OF BOOTS? "Uh, gee, Ted. I dunno. They may notice you standing in them."
Uploading a lot of content from my locked-out YT "MVTV MONTANA VIGILANTE TV & NEWS" (using Haunted Marysville as a TEMP MVTV in meantime to confuse issue but almost done with YT). I will post another creepy photo of a dead bartender looking in the window. POINT:
Easy to find; too annoyed to give any YT link but this is up over there (as SHADOW BOOTS or look for anything about Swede's Corner) for a somewhat higher resolution of this video if desired. In the end:
I moved 500 miles east of Drummon to the ranch and lost contact with these folk 2 years ago. WAY more to that place, wanted to investigate further but such is life. Drop in and ask if passing on the highway; well worth it. Great place, bright atmosphere and family-friendly yet a classic tavern at night. And believe it IS truly haunted.

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