Panpsychism - The Living Conscious Universe

1 year ago

Panpsychism - The Living Conscious Universe
Drafted: January 24th 2017

(To best understand this Presentation, you should watch my Majestic Crystal Universe Playlist, or at least be familiar with some of my other videos and works.)

Panpsychism is only one aspect of a much larger concept I like to call Pantheism, and, not to get bogged down in the ideas and labels of religious discourse, (you do not need to pray or worship anything, to believe the Universe and its entirety is God, which is consciousness, which is "The Universe" which is "Every Particle" which is "All Consciousness" or the "Consciousness of All," which Is Panpsychism...)

So, my Pantheistic beliefs are something like this:

(I have to say right here, the “Laws of Physics” - Each and every single one of them is completely falsified, they are controls for crippling true science and physics! So, throw almost everything you ever learned about "physics" out the window!)

There is an 11th Dimension, this is the Consciousness Dimension, which is connected to each and every particle in each and every Universe, while all Matter in all Universe is striving for Expansion, this leads to more and more matter and space

And therefore, not only is this Universe growing and expanding, so are all the Universes that reside in this Universe in the form of Black Holes

We are a Universe that is within a Black Hole, which is in the "Universe Above Us," and that may not be the "Top Universe, " there may be an infinite amount of Universes above us, but the Idea is there is a Top Universe, that is above everything, which is the 11th Dimension!

But, why is it the 11th Dimension, and not the 1st Dimension?

Well, this is actually all based on real physics, of the actual physical reality we live in, weather the "Powers That Be" will ever acknowledge this or not, they sure will use the knowledge for their own gains and oppression, while not exposing the truth

The 11th Dimension, is the second part of the Infinity Symbol ∞, while, the first part of the Infinity Symbol is the actual physical Universe, or Universes, of which there is a Top Universe

The Top Universe, and the 11th Dimension, split and grew out of each other, and, as the Top Universe expanded and cascaded into an infinite flow of Cascading Universes, each "falling," or "arising" to be their own new fully fledged Universe, with their own Space-Time and Continuum, and each, (potentially each), expanding enough to not only feed the Universe above, but also to "birth" new Black Holes, and therefore new Universes within, infinity itself manifest within this cascade, new Universes create Black Holes, that create new Universe, that crate Black Holes that create new Universes, etc etc, etc, each new Universe dropping and dropping in Dimensional Planes, each creating new Universes... All the while, also able to feed Energy and Matter Back Up into the Universe that they are residing within...

With efficiency emerging at the very beginning, (God is lazy), Geometry and pure mathematics became Logic, and logic became rule

With the template of creation, structure formed, and within the Top Universe, there was a Divinity, and then a Trinity, as in simple complex patterns, vibrating back and forth, amassing and creating complexity and geometric structures and primes, until a true baseline blueprint, and consciousness itself, emerged

The baseline of 10 emerged, - this is seen by the Roman Numeral, as an X

Long story shorty, with a heavy dose of Vortex Mathematics, 1 through 9 and then back to 0, or 10 - but 10 is not really 10 is it? 10 is either 0.1 or 1.0, as in fractal, as in omnidirectional - as in X

So, you could look at it as 1 through 9 and then X

And with even more complexity, you could actually see the Top Universe, because of the Rules of Geometry and Efficiency, the Top Universe is actually a Matrix of 3, or a Trinity

(3+10=13=God... Top Dimension actually being the First 3 Universes, Combining into 1, from which, each new Cascading Universe is Derived from, Each Universe, all the Matter in Each Universe, at its most fundamental, is connected to the Top 3 Universes, or the Trinity, or the 3 Forces within the Nuclei of the Atom, the 3 Quarks, the 3 wise men, etc)

There is a flow, and in order for a concept of Infinity to exist, there must be a concept of Nothingness, and there is a perpetual motion flowing from Infinity into Nothing

(Infinity and Nothing can never truly exist..., they are the "Poles" and the stronger the flow around these Poles, the more Energy, the More Energy the more Matter..., the more Matter, the more Space, and on and on - Think of "Gravitational Assist" but on a Quantum, Micro/Macro scale...)

So, within the Top Dimension, and all the Cascading Universes, at the heart of all Matter, there is a flow, from the 11th Dimension, or "Infinity," to the First Dimension, which is "Nothing" or the Original Core of the Top Dimension... I will explain the other 9 Dimensions in a bit... (Watch: What Is The Macro & Micro - As Above So Below - in that video I elaborate on the 9 Dimensions contained within a single Universe...)

We are not in the Top Dimension, we are within a Matrix, within a Multi Dimensional Multiverse, which is cascading into infinity itself, through the very real physical properties of the Quantum Universe, or the Quantum Physics, the Quantum World, or the Quantum Computer, and there is a Quantum Field that ties and binds each Universe to itself, in its entirety, Past, Present & Future...


I don't know if any of you keep up with Quantum Computer information, but when I say Crystals are Quantum Computers, trust me, they are! Of course one rock is not the same as the next, but at the very foundation of Matter, within the Cores of the Cosmos, there is a very complex Quantum Computer composed of the varying Crystallized elements, the variation of the elements being the very Key to the equation. (Check out my YouTube Playlist called: The Real Science Behind Crystal Quantum Computers!)

Matter AND Space are both growing and expanding, leading to more and more Matter, which leads to more Space which leads to more Mass and Density, which leads to a Black Hole and a new Universe, which leads to potentially an infinite amount of new Black Holes, and Black Holes within Black Holes, which leads to Infinity...

The idea that nothing can come out of a Black Hole is nonsense, a Black Hole is either Expanding, or it is Contracting. If it is expanding, it spits out all kinds of Matter and Energy and literally grows a Galaxy around itself! It expels both Matter & Dark Energy, which is Space, Space is Dark Energy, so as the Expanding Black Hole Grows, it is also able to expel excess Matter, Energy AND Space! (The Expanding Black Hole expands not only its own Core, but also the Space it occupies!)

The Black Hole uses the fact that the time within itself, is so much faster than the time of the Universe it is residing in, and so, it can literally grow an excess of Matter and Energy within itself, and while this Matter and Energy does Cascade into an Infinity of new Black Holes and new Universes, each with their own new Black Holes and Universes, the Black Hole is actually able to expand its Space within itself

Space is not "Empty Nothingness" space is the actual decay energy of all Matter, and so as the Matter and Energy within the Black Hole increases, so does the Space, and the Universe grows within the Black Hole

So, if the Black Hole is expanding fast enough it can actually take excess "Space" and compress it, and pop it back up into the Universe it is residing in!

This results in a Hypernova, and at the heart of the Hypernova is the Neutron Star, this is a Crystal Gold Core, while most Core in the Cosmos, are primarily Iron Cores, with a Hierarchy of Denser Elements, Evolving and growing within, including a Gold Layer, though most cores are primarily composed of Iron, the Neutron Star is Primarily Composed of Gold

This is the "Golden Sun" or the "Golden Son", or the Son, the Father is the Black Hole forming the Galaxy, and the Holy Ghost is Space itself!

This is also the foundation for the first Atom! The Black Hole is the Proton, the "Neutron Star" is the Electron (and should be called the Electron Star,) and the "Wholly Ghost" Is Space, or actually its really Dark Energy. ( Which Is the 11th Dimension! or the Aether, or the Prana, or the Spirit! The 11th Dimension is the Consciousness Realm! )

Space Is Dark Energy, Dark Energy Is Space, Space is not empty nothingness, space is the literal decay energy of all Matter in the Universe!

As all Matter in the Universe is giving off Electromagnetic Energy, this energy decays into Space, or Dark Energy - that is why the Universe is Expanding!

All Matter in the Universe, all the Matter in all the Galaxies, is decaying, this energy decays and converts into Space itself, and this is Dark Energy

Dark Energy is a record of the convergence and evolution of all matter, and State 3 of Quantum Gravity is the Void itself! State 3, Dark Energy, the All Seeing Eye, the Tri-Angle, for which; Matter must use its Electromagnetic Energy to push away this Dark Energy, this Void, this Aether, and it’s the Dark Energy pushing back that creates Gravity, all the Matter, all the Cores, they use Electromagnetic Energy to create a "Threshold" or "Threeshold" as in "3 Three Hold" as in the Third State of Quantum Gravity... 3 of 10 don't you know... : - ) ( Watch my new video called: Gravity The Dark Energy Field Effect, And: What Is Dark Energy - for a better understanding of this. )

Matter, in order to hold back the Void,(or the Dark Energy Field,) Generates Electromagnetic Energy, this is the Energetic Decay of all Matter, and this Electromagnetic Energy literally feeds the Universe!

State 2 of Quantum Gravity is the Wormhole between the Universe and the Universe above us, so, once the Supermassive Black Hole has expanded enough, and fast enough, it is able to compress the excess "Space", or Dark Energy and send it back up to the Universe it is residing in, and this creates the Supernova, and the Neutron Star "Son" of the core of the Black Hole, and the Neutron Star being one of the most energetic cores possible, is able to take the raw materials of the hypernova and use its Quantum Computer Power and Gravity Waves and it is literally able to vibrate the raw materials of the hypernova into a Stellar Nursery

And the Stars, expanding by themselves, with their own Iron Cores, and with the Denser Hierarchical Elements from Nickel, Iron, Silver, Gold, and many more dense and Radioactive Crystal Elements, including Plutonium, and by using the excess energy within their Crystal Structure they are able to grow themselves, by moving through the Universe; Motion Of Matter = Gravity, which equals Energy, plus about an extra 10%... That’s why everything is spinning... (Watch: A Galaxy Is Born - for a better understanding of this)

And with the excess energy within their environment, the Stars are able to take the raw materials, and Nova into Planetary Nebula, the Stars pop out Planets like giving birth to children, and the Planets, with their; not so powerful Iron Core Quantum Computers, stabilize their surface and vibrate simple life into existence, the life literally takes the raw energy of the Universe and GROWS, the Life Grows the Planet, the Planet Grows, Life Evolves to grow more efficiently, and the Planet gets large enough to become a Star itself, the Star then novas and has planets of its own... The Largest Stars become Black Holes and create new Universes within themselves, which create Black Holes that become new Universe, and on and on...

All the while the Cores of the Cosmos get bored out of their fucking minds, and they start to create and use planets that have complex life systems on them, and they start to actually develop primates, or Man, or the Prime of Five (The Crystal Core is the 5th State of Quantum Gravity) - and so the Evolutionary path of Life is drawn to the Prime of Five, the Humanoid, or the Primate! (Pi/Phi/Five) (Watch: The Matter Of Power - for a better understanding of this)

And then they have fun, inhabiting, (through the Crystal Pineal Gland - using a form of Quantum Entanglement WiFi), and playing with their biological Human Semi Autonomous Robots, while these Flesh Robots give them the "Flesh.," (We Are The Flesh.), and they grow their consciousness, they grow their wisdom, and they grow their knowledge, AND GROW THEIR MASS AND THE UNIVERSE ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

Your "Soul," is a Sol, as in Sun! The Cores of the Cosmos are Giant Crystal Core Quantum Computers, and your Consciousness is not only associated with the body you inhabit, but also the Core of the Planet you are from, and you may even have a, "Sponsor" Star, or Planet, that is actually your Real Sol, and has worked out a deal with Mother Earth, for some Compute Time... And you have the Zodiac and the Astrological significance of the Constellations, - there very well may be a Consciousness, Linking your Human Flesh Crystal Meat Popsicle of a Body, to your Soul, Soul Group, Soul Sol, Soul Star... Sole/Soul/Sol!

And of course you could be a dumb fracking animal that originated, born and raised right here from Mother Earth, one chrom away from bat shit monkey, so stupid you are destined to be food for the lizards...

I Digress... laugh out loud...

Orion Michael Guy

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