Celebrating #ElestralsDay! Huge Reveals, Updates and More!

1 year ago

Celebrating our 1 Year Reveal Anniversary with #ElestralsDay! Showing off a ton of new Elestrals, Updates for 1st Edition, Set 2 and more! We sincerely appreciate your support and cannot wait to share more in the near future!

Giveaway for Penterror Uncut Sheet: https://gleam.io/8hexQ/elestrals-day-celebration
Asset Folder Link: https://cereal-cdn-brand-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/Elestrals+Press+Kit+-+Founder's+Edition+2023.zip
StellarPull Website: http://www.StellarPull.com

Welcome to the Mythical and Magical world of Elestrals!
Follow us on Social Media to stay up to date on this incredible project:
Discord- http://www.Discord.gg/Elestrals
Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/Elestrals
YouTube- http://www.youtube.com/elestrals
Tiktok - http://www.Tiktok.com/@Elestrals
Instagram- http://www.instagram.com/elestral
Merch- http://www.ElestralsShop.com

#Elestrals #ElestralsTCG #aDrive

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