Transference Is

1 year ago

What Is Transference? How does it affect us? I have been thinking about transference lately and I have been talking to God about it, asking for His protection from it, and His wisdom not to do it. We all have been hurt by transference. Transference is a ploy of the enemy in our lives and we need to guard our heart with all diligence and don’t let ourselves become a vehicle of transference. Know what it is and fight against it entering into your life path, fight against being used by it and soul fatigued because of it. How? Begin with staying close to Jesus, draw near to Him, resist the enemy and He will flee. If transference is a part of your life path, refresh your soul in the promises of God and don’t let the enemy steal or fatigue your compassion. Let be, be still, let God work and most importantly give Him time to work and room to work. Fast and pray, because strong holds are broken when you do this, remembering it is not by Your might, or your power but by God’s Spirit that crooked places caused by transference can be made straight. Think On These: Proverbs 4:20-23; 1 Timothy 6:11-12; Jeremiah 29:11-14
I asked God to explain transference to me, to clarify what it was? Jesus showed me it was the reason He hung on the cross, He took the punishment for our sins, for something He never did. Jesus was proclaimed guilty by the very guilty ones who were transferring the consequences of their sin to Him. He was blamed for what they did and suffered because of what they did. 1 Peter 2:21-24

Transference is when you think you are a victim and you are not, you point your finger at someone else so you don’t have to deal with your own mess you have created. You take out your past relationship hurts on the wrong people, the ones who did not hurt you, because that is easier on the root of bitterness from your past hurts that plaques your soul. It is so much easier on you to take the focus off of what the real problem is and blame someone else, who has nothing to do with the reality of your inner secreted truth.

Transference creates a fake reality through false accusations founded upon speculation, assumption, exaggeration, and presuppositions, and blame is born out of these spoken untruths. Be Lame. Blame! Transference is stirring up a huge tornado with dark emotions, and sucking everyone into it, as it crashes into people with emotional whirlwind after whirlwind. If someone refuses to step into your tornado and speaks truth that disrupts the flow of it, then you backlash them with all kinds of narcissistic lightening strikes. You talk about them to others and make them sound like they are some kind of a monster, damaging their reputation, and relationships with others as you blame them for what you have stirred up.
Proverbs 3:28-32

Then comes the emotional punishment, you punish them by not speaking to them and rejecting them, withdrawing your permission for them to be with you, setting conditions upon them and letting them know they are not welcome where you are. You can’t come here because you are our problem.

Once the tornado spins out, this is the conditional part of the storm, where favor is withheld because you did not meet their conditions because you spoke the truth, and that is when the self-righteousness attitude is flung around like dark mud on a white shirt. What a human mess… and my suggestion is that you don’t try to fix it, or clean it up while transference is in play. Turn to the Only One Who can, Jesus, the Reconciler Who never fails to make crooked places straight. Yield To Jesus. Pray. Isaiah 45:2-3

Life is a course in disarray because of soul vandals, and transferring the blame is the name of the game from nation to nation, community to community, people to people, and family to family. So many people their anger is out of control, and they are doing stupid, foolish things and we are paying the consequences for them, because they transfer the blame to us. If you have an anger issue and you cause something bad to happen, you made the bad choice, so stop blaming other people for it and deal with your own mess, stop transferring the problem on someone else, putting it on them. It is your fault, not mine. Dealing with transference is a difficult thing and this scripture will give you the godly wisdom to do so.
Then he told me, “This is the message from the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘You will not succeed by your own strength or by your own power. The power will come from my Spirit,’ says the Lord of heaven’s armies. Zechariah 4:6

Dig Deeper: Dealing With False Accusations:

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