Was Muhammad Listening To A Fake Torah? Who Wrote Down The Quran? - Speakers Corner Hyde Park

1 year ago

00:01:00 https://sunnah.com/muslim:1699a
00:02:30 Muhammad was deceived by a fake Torah?
00:04:30 Collection of the gospels
00:06:10 Matthew writes about Jesus meeting Matthew.
00:09:20 Who wrote down the Quran? A Muslim is feeling the pressure.
00:09:55 Muhammad asked for pen hadith https://sunnah.com/bukhari:114
00:11:15 Can you as a Muslim cast away Sahih Al Bukhari?

In this video Chris and David are speaking to some Muslims about their claim that the Torah is corrupt, because their prophet made a ruling from it, so how could Allah have allowed him to use a corrupt book? The Muslims were feeling the pressure yet again, so they had to of course try to divert to he Bible again, but this just shows that they know how weak their own books are, while the Bible is a book that actually has a solid history.

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