Well...Here We Go Again'

1 year ago

House Democrats have drafted an article of impeachment that accuses President Trump of “incitement to insurrection.” Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin said Thursday that his office is “looking at all actors here and anyone that had a role” in the Capitol riot. Some reporters have construed that as including Mr. Trump.
“It just doesn’t seem like it would be a very good thing,” DeSantis added. “And I look at Ford, who pardoned Nixon, and took some heat for it, but at the end of the day it’s like, do we want to move forward as a country, or do we want to be mired in these past controversies? And I think the public wants a fresh start, I think they want somebody that’s going to focus on their issues. We’ve had a lot that’s happened over the last five or six years. I get that, but going forward, we got all these issues that we’ve gotta deal with.”
It was yet more nonsense dorm the Biden White House on Thursday, this day with its decision to blame “MAGA” Republicans for “extreme heat” in a statement about the summer weather now that early summer is over and the late July and August heat waves have begun.
Beginning the statement, the Biden White House said, “We understand that MAGA Republicans, the extreme enemies of science that doubt climate change is happening, are the ones responsible for all this hot weather we now see. Temperatures, in fact, are 3 degrees higher on average this July than the average July in 1850.”




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