Genesis 2:24 & Isaac Watts & Joseph Merrick vs. Ruth Ellis Health & Wellness Center (transgenderism)

1 year ago

Genesis 2:24 is PROFOUNDLY MEANINGFUL to the transgender community.

01 — A man has a father and a mother. Just ONE man impinges himself into his ONE wife ("cleave"). There is a binary established with the father and mother and man and wife.

02 — "Bassar" is the Hebrew word that in English is translated as "flesh." Among its meanings is "the part that pisses," which ALREADY in the SECOND chapter of the Bible distinguishes gender by that particular member of the body, which naturally separates between the binary of men and women (no common tertium quids here).

03 — Two become one flesh in the act of procreation. TRULY two become one flesh when the magnetic barrier is crossed in the process of the fertilization of the wife's egg with the husband's sperm. This is natural. This INTIMACY is LOST to those caught in the transgender perversion.

04 — Isaac Watts was perhaps not just the greatest hymnist of the past twenty centuries. Upon further reflection, Isaac Watts may very well be the greatest hymnist in the past THIRTY centuries (taking one back to 1000 B.C. to the time of the GREATEST hymnist of ALL TIME, King David [let us not forget the MANY other GREAT psalmists of the BIble that would put Isaac Watts to shame {with the Holy Ghost helping them}]).

05 — You will have to watch or look up on your own to find out the identity of Joseph Merrick. I ADORE the hymn selection he used in his letters.


Genesis 2:24 & Isaac Watts & Joseph Merrick vs. Ruth Ellis Health & Wellness Center (transgenderism)

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