The Death of Jacob draws near. Joseph promises to bury him in the Promise Land. Genesis 47.

1 year ago
24 Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday July 31, 2023 The Death of Jacob draws near. Joseph promises to bury him in the Promise Land. Genesis 47.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
They weren’t interested in GOD’s revelation, in fact they wanted to kill Yosef. In the end, they sold him into slavery. In a few generations they (those families, those tribes) too are going to be in bondage. And when GOD calls Moses to lead HIS people out of Egypt some will actually decline.
Now all that is GOD’s Will, it is HIS permissive Will. GOD permits the free will decisions of man to exist and sometimes that free will leads to sin. However, GOD’s Sovereign Will indeed will accomplish HIS purpose.

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