Predictive Programming of the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ rollout.

1 year ago

It has been posited that in order to perpetrate an intended crime, the globalist cabal must first reveal to their victims what they intend to do in order to get their ‘consent’. Yeah I know - weird - but nevertheless apparently that’s what they do. Horrific crimes against humanity - such as the recent covid-19 vaccine programme is one such example.

The most common vehicle for advertising what they intend to do is the entertainment industry. Through films and tv shows fictional stories are shown to the audience that inserts the idea of a certain type of catastrophe or tragedy that could happen. Putting such ideas into peoples heads in this way familiarises the victim with the possibility that something like this is possible, so when it actually happens it is to some extent accepted. This psychological trick is known as ‘Predictive Programming’.

It has been used countless times over the decades. For example, 6 months prior to 9/11, in March of 2001, a pilot show entitled ‘The Lone Gunman’, tells the story of an airliner which is hijacked by being taken control of remotely with the intention of being flown into the World Trade Centre. Here is a link to the trailer:

This is a perfect example of Predictive Programming - unless of course one believes this was just an unbelievably accurate coincidence.

In 2020 (before the covid vaccine rollout started, and before one was even announced would be available) an 8-part mini series, called Utopia, starring John Cussack tells the story of how the Government releases a virus with the intended purpose of frightening people into taking a ‘vaccine’ - an injection which is not a vaccine at all, but something that is actually designed to bring about depopulation by sterilisation. Sound familiar?

Here we are now in mid 2023 and we are seeing an unprecedented level of excess deaths, miscarriages and overall escalating sickness. This phenomenon started in January 2021 - the beginning of the ‘vaccine’ rollout. This excerpt from Utopia is edited in with actual news pieces from the last 2 and half years surrounding the covid topic.

Excerpt taken from Diamond & Silk podcast interview with Naomi Wolf. See the fantastic full podcast here:

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