Major General Bob Dees Exposes Startling Truths about The State of the Union!

1 year ago

#MajorGeneralBobDees, #StateOfTheUnion, #StartlingTruths, #FrontlineInterview, #ColDavidGiammona, #TroyAnderson, #CurrentAffairs, #HiddenAgendas, #Nation'sTrajectory, #InsightsAndExpertise, #ChallengesAndOpportunities, #StrategicImplications, #EyeOpeningEpisode, #TruthRevealed, #InformedAndEmpowered

Major General Bob Dees Exposes Startling Truths about The State of the Union! Pt.2 | Frontline (#64)

Join Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson in a riveting interview with Major General Bob Dees as he unveils startling truths about the current state of the union. In this thought-provoking discussion, explore the untold realities and hidden agendas that shape our nation's trajectory.

As Major General Bob Dees shares his insights, prepare to be captivated by the depth of his knowledge and experience. Gain a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities we face as a nation, and discover the strategic implications for our future.

Don't miss this eye-opening episode of Frontline, where truth meets expertise. Share this compelling interview with your friends and family as we dive deep into the heart of the matter. Get ready to be informed, inspired, and empowered to make a difference.

This video is brought by Prophecy Investigators, founded by Troy Anderson. Welcome to Prophecy Investigators - Uncovering the Truth in the End Times! Sign up for a free trial subscription to Prophecy Investigators' News at Find out more on our main website at

Prophecy Investigators is a news magazine featuring articles, videos and in-depth investigative stories exploring current events and biblical prophecies.

The Founder and Editor in Chief is Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, bestselling author of The Babylon Code, Trumpocalypse, The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, Vice President of Battle Ready Ministries, Executive Editor of The Return International, and former Executive Editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. Find out more at

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