Hunter Biden Arlington VA 170 MPH crack Porsche to Las Vegas NV hot tub vs 75 billion Ukraine aid

1 year ago

all = a $4500 fine & 4 years jail in 2 states if proven using a internet meme by a national daily Spain sport newspaper "Marca" of & others claim a discarded laptop & or 2018 leaked photo prove Hunter Biden age 53 filmed himself driving at 170 MPH in Porsche to a hot tub party while smoking crack somewhere between ;
Arlington, Virginia = $2,500 & a year in jail for speeding & a year jail & a $2500 fine for drug paraphernalia & or 1 to 10 years for drug possession
Las Vegas Nevada where half year jail $1,000 ticket MAX for speeding & half year jail sentence for drug paraphernalia & or 2 years & $1000 fine for possession?

so, How does Ukraine get it in such short time ?!! 75 billion in aid from
the USA ? its like 37 days of the US military’s budget, spent in 2 years?
$22 billion from 2021/08 - 2023/06
$04 billion Emergency humanitarian aid, food, health & refugee support
$27 billion financial support as Funds, loans, etc was
$47 billion military aid Total
= updated amount rounded up

2022/02/24 special military operation escalated the spending after
2017 Trump Admin first offered lethal weapons aid was after
2014 obama admin offered non lethal security assistance after Russia attacks

see also oops at pentagon = Marca

= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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