LOGO BUILDIN/HORDE NIGHT! - Gettin Thick'd - 7 Days to Die A21

1 year ago

LOGO BUILDIN/HORDE NIGHT! - Gettin Thick'd - 7 Days to Die A21

It's Day 7 and we spend the day prepping for the horde! We get our center platform built, some spikes thrown around, and represent Thick44 by flying his flag over our base! We take on the day 7 horde and Thick those zombies with our pipe machine gun! We also do a bit of logo building that will be the staple to our horde base going forward. Big shout out to @collintieman1342 for providing our remixed horde music! So sit back and relax, and enjoy the total Thicking of the day 7 horde!

Twitter: @xGrizzGamingx
Discord: https://discord.gg/S6AQhf7

Neebs Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/@NeebsGaming/...

Seven Days to Die Song Original: Written by Tony Schnur "Thick44" of Neebs Gaming - 7 Days to Die Song

Seven Days to Die Remix: @collintieman1342

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