This Secret Playroom Looks Like Harry Potter's Chamber Of Secrets

8 years ago

Large amounts of satisfaction and independence usually accompany buying a home. There is no reason to worry about loud neighbors, landlords or using old appliances from the stone age. Not only that, once you own a home you can do pretty much anything you want to it. A modification that 100% of homeowners should consider? Adding a secret room or passageway somewhere inside. Not only will it make your house a million times cooler, but it can also be a playroom for your kid! Win-win!

Admit it. Pretty much all of us have fantasized about having hidden rooms or secret passageways in our homes that will take us somewhere awesome! Watching a lot of Harry Potter movies right? For these lucky folks, that fantasy is a reality. This dad built a hidden playroom for his son and it looks like Harry Potter would be jealous of this hidden room!

Check out this secret fort, hiding beneath the stairs! A playroom created by one cool father! This is so great because his son will have a lot of fun playing there! This dresser leads to an awesome secret playroom. It’s like a less crazy version of Narnia!

This dad can proudly say that Harry Potter isn't the only one who enjoys a secret! If you've ever wanted a private hideaway, extra secure storage for valuables, or an almost magical escape to another world, a hidden room is sure to amaze and inspire you and your kid!

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