Robert Kennedy Sr to President Lyndon Johnson "Why did you have my brother killed?"

1 year ago

0-26s: A Whitehouse Photographer who took this picture of Robert Kennedy Sr holding something in his hand with a shocked President Lyndon Johnson tells the Texas reporter woman that Robert Kennedy had just asked President Johnson "Why did you have my brother killed?".

27s-48s: Robert Kennedy Sr describing Lyndon Johnson (who was his brothers Vice President before he was assassinated) as a MEAN, BITTER, VISCIOUS, ANIMAL.

49s-1:40: Robert Kennedy Sr on the phone with President Lyndon Johnson asking him about some reports he heard being sent out about him (RFK Sr) planning to over throw the government by force or violence.

1:41- 2:15: Woman says Lyndon Johnson had a back channel where messages were hand carried by a mail assistant where he read information on the people he believed were his enemies and then give the message back to the mail carrier assistant.

2:06- 2:16: Richard Nixon recalls FBI director J Edgar Hoover telling him that Lyndon Johnson didn't really like JFK and that he absolutely hated RFK Sr.


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