Compilation of videos I found on Telegram #6

1 year ago

1. Steven Seagal - Mass shootings are engineered by the government
2. What the W.H.O. Is really up to
3. China and Russia have started joint maritime patrols in the Pacific Ocean
4. China Soldiers of the units of the 73rd Army of the PLA Eastern Command land forces arrived in Fujian (directly across from Taiwan) and Guangdong provinces with equipment under the pretext of "emergency rescue operations" in connection with the approach of Typhoon Doksuri.
5. Former U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor does not believe the US will have a election in 2024
6. Be careful what you eat. Plastic rice for dinner anybody?
7. Chemotherapy and radiation is a scam
8. Quantum Manifesting Explained

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