Ex-Mormon Lists Trans Cult Parallels

1 year ago

My super awesome guest this week is 23-year-old Liza, a young woman who wanted to share her story of leaving the Mormon church and outline why she feels that the modern day trans "cult" has several similarities with the cult she was raised in. Liza also shares with me that she is autistic and her observation of the alarming rate of young people on the spectrum identifying as non-binary or trans. This conversation is so important and so eye-opening, and I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. Sending tons of thanks and love to Liza for coming on the show to talk to me!

If you think you're trans, think again. Then think again. Talk to a professional. Talk to a loved one. Then think even more. Transitioning is a serious life-altering situation, and it should never be taken lightly. If you are confused or depressed because you feel you might be trans, you need to make sure that transitioning is truly what is best for you, because the mental anguish you feel now will be even worse if you transition and realize you made a huge mistake.

**Interested in sharing your story with Buck?
Send an email to buckangelmgmt@gmail.com

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Transsexual man keeping it real. The truth matters.
- Buck Angel aka Tranpa

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