Get Out There! w/ Olivia Rose - FGP#39

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Olivia Rose is the owner of the Chattahoochee Adventure Company, specializing in outdoor activities and learning for folks of all ages. They are currently embarking upon an addition to the business in the form of the "IRL" Learning Co-op, which provides of a place of learning where parents who homeschool and unschool can enroll their children. They will learn a wide range of skills and most importantly be out in nature where they can get their hands dirty and figure out how to interact with their environment.

To help them financially, check out their IndieGoGo campaign ( You can also spread the word or even physically lend a hand... to do so go to and contact them to learn more!

The Libertarian Party of Georgia is also expanding it's reach to those parents who would like to, or already do homeschool. If you are that person, join our Facebook group,, to begin interacting with like-minded parents!

Brought to you by The Libertarian Party of Georgia
Twitter: @LPGeorgia
Instagram: @LibertarianPartyofGeorgia
Facebook: LPGeorgia

Produced by Peaceful Sea Productions
Instagram: @PeacefulSeaProductions
Twitter: @PeacefulSeaProd

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