DON'T use PED's to solve a deeper problem. (This is my story)

1 year ago

Don't use PED's to solve a deeper problem. When I was younger I struggled with severe insecurities. I went through most of middle school and high school very overweight, and my self esteem was very poor. I had no success with girls at all when I was in school. My senior year I discovered alcohol, and shortly after that came temporary success with girls. On the surface things seemed fine, but what really happened was I developed a need for drinking in order to talk to girls, and so I drank a lot.

Going into college, I was seeing truly jacked guys all the time. At parties and clubs these were the guys getting all the girls. I looked at them in awe and said for myself I have to have that. So i started lifting weights. I made a lot of progress and I made it fast, I was obsessed with the gym. But no matter how strong I got, I hated who I saw back in the mirror. This never went away or got any better in college. Even when I had girlfriends I was paranoid that there was someone else out there who was better, someone who was stronger.

This only got worse as I got into my 20's and moved to a busy downtown environment. I was drinking a lot. I was lifting a lot too, and I spent years spinning my wheels and not getting much progress. I convinced myself that I needed to do PED's because that was the only way to truly be attractive. But this was bandaid to a totally separate problem. I was treating my insecurities with substance abuse. It didn't take much convincing for me to take the next step beyond alcohol, and for a long time I was a weekend warrior, regularly staying out until 3, 4... maybe even 5 in the morning.

But I was never able to get PED's, despite how hard I tried, and for that I am truly thankful. Because if I could've gotten them I would've done them. I have since moved on from the party scene. I have outgrown that season of my life and have no desire to use PED's. The insecurities I once had are gone and I am now at peace with myself. Since going sober, my life has changed ten fold, so much so that I even compete in natural bodybuilding shows now! The physique I always wanted was attainable, but it wasn't that I needed PED's... it's that I needed to STOP my substance abuse.

I want to become a mentor for the next generation growing up. Not only is this channel going to be focused on weight loss and muscle growth, it's going to be about living a healthy life style. Because I know all too well what the other side looks like.

If this story has reached you, subscribe to the channel! There is much more content like this coming your way.

music sampled:
Dark Souls Character Creation:
Halo 2 High Charity Suite:
Shot on iPhone 13 -
Studio lighting set up -
Recorded on Shure MV7 -

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tik tok:
00:00 Introduction
00:52 relying on alcohol to be social
02:46 Thinking PED's were the only way to become attractive
04:58 The importance of mentors
06:26 PED's and heart failure
08:07 Sobriety and Natural Bodybuilding

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