2034: A Cautionary Tale - Inspiration Series: Drug Culture

1 year ago

Discussion regarding the negative impact of drug abuse in society and why propaganda supporting drug use is not compassionate.

"Wilberforce is saying at the end of the eighteenth century something similar to what John Q. Wilson and George Kelling would become famous for saying two centuries later in their famous "Broken Windows" essay in the Atlantic Monthly. Wilson and Kelling made the argument that if law enforcement effectively assumes that a certain area is a crime zone and therefore does not prosecute smaller crimes, this encourages an atmosphere that leads to much greater crimes and overall lawlessness. This theory was put into practice in New York City, which turned in a few years from having one of the highest crime rates in the nation into having one of the lowest. The smallest crimes—subway fare-beating, aggressive panhandling, and so on—which would have formerly been ignored so that law enforcement could focus on more serious crimes, were now aggressively pursued. The message this change sent out was that no crimes would be tolerated, and extraordinarily, murder and all other serious crimes plummeted.”

From the text Amazing Grace (p. 78) written by Erix Metaxas.

#2023ACautionaryTale #drugabuse #propoganda

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