1 year ago

The All Seeing Eye of God projects its Divine Mind blueprint as an imprinted Geometric Tesseract called the Cosmic Cube Matrix.

It is the schematic being projected into the brains and bodies of the Blue Ray's at this time, those with the"mark of the lamb" on their foreheads as created by the opening of the seal.
(We all hold an aspect of the blue ray within us.)

This imprint of a Geometric Tesseract is being referred to as the Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's archetypal matrix of the 144,000.

The Cosmic Cube holds the schematic and blueprint to God's Laws by building the architecture of the City Four Square or Krystal Cathedral.

This represents the Four planes of matter in the Four quadrants of our Universe.
This is also representing the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter (Air, Fire, Water, Earth).

These four elementals make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora's through the Crystal River.

The City Four Square or Krystal
Cathedral contains the blueprint of the Solar Christ identity of the 144,000 archetypes of the sons and daughters of God.

This new life foundation, which is the new grid for building base matter in the blueprint as designed by the 144,000, is necessary in order to focus the Divine Wholeness of God consciousness in the given dispensation of the Ascension.

The City Four Square or Krystal
Cathedral is where the Crystal River
Flows and is represented as the Golden City archetype that returns Flows and is represented as the Golden City archetype that returns
God's Natural Laws back to this creation.

Its projection is to be held as embodied by the divine messengers, such as described in prophecy as those with the seal of the lamb on their foreheads, containing the schematic of the Cosmic Cube 144 Matrix.

Starseeds. this is YOU

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