Xbox Component Video Comparison 2 (read description)

1 year ago

A quick follow-up to the previous comparison video.
**Another update video here that adds comparison to the Xbox2Wii adapter **:

Original video here:

Taking a closer look to how the XEDUSA's component out compares to the XBHDA adapter from Retro-teck:
This has a direct side-by-side comparison of the two. I also indicate which adapter's audio is playing with the speaker symbol.

Few notes:
Brightness Test:
All three options pass the brightness test. All three also have the same peak blackness level. However, both the XBHDA & XEDUSA component out, each have a better contrast ratio and a higher peak brightness than the Official HD Pack. The XBHDA & XEDUSA component out appear to be on par with one another in this regard.
(Please note: this assessment only applies to XEDUSA's component output, NOT the HDMI output. XEDUSA's HDMI output fails the brightness test and is noticably darker than other plug-n-play HDMI solutions).

Analog Audio Out:
None of them have any buzz or hum issues on their analog audio. They each have the same level of noise that cannot be heard during normal play (if using high-end headphones at a very loud volume, you may be able to hear the noise when no audio is playing, such as a loading screen).

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