'Racism' Caller Debate; Homeless Blight in L.A. | Mon. 7-31-23

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Callers vs Tony on his "racism" issue. People don't think what you think! Peewee Herman died. Homeless encroachment in L.A.!

The Hake Report, Monday, July 31, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Start
0:00:56 Hey, guys! King of the Cage tee
0:03:50 Doug led Church: Thoughts
0:07:58 KAMRAN, CA: Iranian,
0:13:59 KAMRAN: Attacking CJ, Flat Earth, Gabriel
0:20:53 TONY, CA: Jim Crow segregation was racist?
0:32:33 JEFF, LA to Tony: Why not help blacks?
0:37:18 TONY vs Hake: who invented racism? South Africa
0:43:17 ERIC, AZ to Tony: Who decides when wrongs are right?
0:47:50 People don't think what you think they think
0:56:41 Heaven of My Heart - White Heart (1993)
1:03:48 Super: RFK Jr gets no Secret Service
1:10:17 Super: "I Promise" Akron school; CA actors/writers strike
1:17:50 Will you call it "X"? Or Twitter still?
1:21:53 Did Hunter Biden paint his stuff?
1:27:50 RIP Peewee Herman, aka Paul Ruebens, 70
1:36:43 Homeless encroaching into neighborhoods!
1:54:07 Thanks, all! Leading church?
1:55:38 Nothing But the Best - White Heart (1993)

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