They Want Your Children - It's Pure Evil! (Part 3)

1 year ago

I hope this video series has opened some doors of knowledge for you (as well as everyone you share them with). I had always heard about human trafficking but I never realized on what scale it truly is. The human trafficking industry has already surpassed the illegal arms trade and will soon pass the drug industry because as you saw in the video … “you can sell a bag of cocaine once – but a person can be sold 5 to 10 times a day”!

Please visit my website @ where I post news you probably won’t hear on the mainstream media and more.

Please like, share & leave your thoughts & comments on my Rumble channel here:

Here are some links to other places you can learn more about human trafficking:

- Mary Knight’s experience:
“Am I Crazy, or did it really happen to me?”

- Marilyn Van Derbur

- TheWarAgainstYou

- PBS Frontline - Sex Trafficking in America (full documentary)

- Exposing an international human trafficking ring hidden in plain sight | 60 Minutes Australia

- Secrets Of The Multi-Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Industry - Sex Slaves - Crime Documentary

- Nameless: a Documentary about Child Sex Trafficking

… and there’s many, many more!!!

When you click on any of the above links in YouTube or Rumble, and before you go to ‘full screen’, there are thumbnail videos of other stories on the same subject. In this case, child & human trafficking. It is a 150 BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR industry that for some strange reason, has been kept very much a secret from the God fearing, loving, trusting, caring & giving people of the world ... for a very, very long time!

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