Societies Throwing Laces (AFC)

1 year ago

Patriots, Bills, Ravens all have the entire date of Illuminati found in hours separation

AFC North
Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Steelers 7/8/1933. Separation of 624 in minutes.

Ancient Order of Druids - Steelers 7/8/1933. Separation of 777 contained in min

Ancient Order of Druids-Bengals 5/24/1967. Separation of 222 in months.
Ancient Order of Druids= 222

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Bengals 5/24/1967.
Separation of 13,144,175 shows in minutes.

Templar Knights folded on the 13th
Bengals started on 144th day of year
Freemasonry started on 175th day

Templar Knights started 1/1/1119-Ravens 2/9/1996. Separation of 877 years 7 days 777

Illuminati-5/1/1776-Ravens 2/9/1996.
Hours contain the entire Illuminati date 5/1/1776

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Browns 6/4/1944. Minutes contain 1119.
Templar Knights started in 1119.

Templar Knights started 1/1/1119. Browns 6/4/1944. Minutes contain 1119.

Ancient Order of Druids- Browns 6/4/1944.
Separation of 162 years 6 months, 6 days between. 666

AFC South.
Templar Knights folded 10/13/1307-Colts found 1/23/1953.
Separation of 366 in weeks.
Illuminati started in a leap year. All leap years 366

Freemasonry 6/24/1717- Colts found 1/23/1953.
122 shows in weeks. Illuminati found 122nd day.

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Colts found 1/23/1953.
120 shows in months. Illuminati= 120.
Templar Knights started 1/1/1119- Titans 8/3/1959.
Separation of 307,017 days. 7 months between. 777

Freemasonry 6/24/1717- Titans 8/3/1959. Separation of 122 in hours.
Illuminati found 122nd day. Minutes contain 333.
3 stages of Freemasonry 33 degrees.

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Titans 8/3/1959. Separation of 666 contained in hours.

Templar Knights folded 10/13/1307-Jaguars 11/30/1993.
Separation of 686 years 16 days between. 666

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Jaguars 11/30/1993. Separation of 666 in seconds.

Templar Knights started 1/1/1119- Houston Texans 10/6/1999
Separation of 777 is contained in both hours and seconds.

Templar Knights folded 10/13/1307-Houston Texans 10/6/1999.
Separation of 11 months 22 days between. Illuminati found 122nd day

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Houston Texans 10/6/1999.
Separation of 47 is in both weeks and hours. Freemason Compass 47 degrees.

AFC West (Chiefs Broncos Chargers all found same date and year)

Freemasonry 6/24/1717. -Chiefs 8/14/1959.
Separation of 1 month 20 days between. Illuminati= 120.
122 in hours. Illuminati found 122nd

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Chiefs 8/14/1959. Separation of 666 in hours.

Illuminati 5/1/1776-Raiders-January 30,1960.
Separation of 777 contained in seconds.

Templar Knights 1/1/1119-Raiders-January 30,1960.
Separation of 777 contained in hours.

Templar Knights folded 10/13/1307- Raiders-January 30,1960.
Separation of 777 contained in hours.

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