FIFA World Cup Sacrifice

1 year ago

Grant Wahl died in Qatar as (17*1*20*1*18= 6120). Illuminati 120. Illuminati 122.

12/2/1973-12/10/2022. Separation of 57 in minutes. Qatar= 57.
(5+7= 12). Died in 12th month. Born in 12th month.
Born on 12/2. Illuminati 122nd day. Grant Wahl posted his final entry on 12/8/2022. That’s 48 hours. (4+8= 12). Died in 12th month. His Final Entry was titled
“They just don't care”. (They just don't care= 208 to #’s). (2+8= 10).
Died on 10th. 12/2/1973. Fifa as 6+9+6+1= 22).
LGBTQ as 12*7*2*20*17= 57120. (5+7= 12). Fifa World Cup= 12 letters
Illuminati 120. Grant Wahl dies 12th month.

Grant Wahl died in Qatar. The Qatarian Flag has 10 points on it. Illuminati is 10 letters. Grant died on 10th. Grant Wahl=104 to #’s. Grant Wahl was detained in Qatar for 25 min over his LGBTQ shirt. (2*5= 10). Died on 10th.
(twelve ten two thousand twenty two= 451 to #’s. an 4+5+1= 10). Died on 10th
The Hospital Facility
Grant Wahl died at Hamad Medical Corporation. It’s a 603-bed facility. (6+3= 9).
Grant Wahl 9 letters. This Doha Facility was incorporated on 3/15/1979.
3/15/1979-12/10/2022. Separation of 15976 days. Illuminati 1/5/76.
Grant Wahl 9 letters.

The Amiri Decree= 123 to #’s. Grant died in 12th month.
The Amiri Decree= 123 to #’s. (12-3= 9). Grant Wahl 9 letters.
The Amiri Decree= 123 to #’s. (12*3= 36 an 3+6= 9). Grant Wahl 9 letters.
The Emiri Decree= 127 to #’s. (12+7= 19). Grant Wahl 9 letters.
The Emiri Decree= 127 to #’s. (12*7= 84 an 8+4= 12). Grant died in 12th month.
This facility is located in Doha= 28 to #’s. (2+8= 10). Grant died on 10th.
Doha as (4*15*8*1= 480). (4+8= 12). Grant died in 12th month.

Grant Wahl was covering the match between Argentina and Netherlands.
Argentina= 9 letters. Grant Wahl 9 letters. Netherlands= 11 letters.
Argentina Netherlands= 209 to #’s. (2+9= 11).

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