Our Next 6 steps for our Frequency-changing Project: in the Soul ROOM

1 year ago

You ARE a PORTAL of God-Source energy, and now is the time to use this and work out what to do with it!


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.

http://www.inspirition.biz for my books, course, and music

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Jul 30, 2023 08:00 PM London
Jul 30, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 31, 2023 10:00 PM
Aug 1, 2023 10:00 PM
Aug 2, 2023 10:00 PM
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Daily: https://us05web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUtcOqprzgrHtNXFmBY6W01mdY2p7EY1lan/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGprjwpG9WWsR2ARpwcAo_Cb-vzmHZcgrdzpDnoIRkFVVOnO-Z7YKIoNeGB

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Meeting ID: 810 7311 3147
Passcode: dYu915

Intro: The Heavenly Tea channel and how that led to this ACTIVATING HUMAN POTENTIAL ‘WORK’.

1.00 explaining the energy which comes through in these sessions.
2.00 “I command Prime Creator, I command Prime Creation to give me all of me now”- sharing this again, as an excellent way to bring in full energy.
3.30 The new Sound frequency mission- not only to activate your spirit, but to bring new frequencies into the network.
4.10 Kari arrives
5.50 Going into our “Soul Room” - a place where we can say our soul resides- going in there to get a specific six point plan for how to bring our special work into the world.
6.30 Kari describes her Soul Room today…
8.00 Kari describes the pillar of light within her room, where she can stand within and receive brilliant ideas from Source, such as ‘members’ without the technology…
8.15 If everyone could take themselves to there own equivalent place within their own being, we would all be able to heal ourselves completely through connection with Source energy alone.
8.45 Do you have (Talking to Kari) a way in which you can record what you see in there- so you can remember the information on the six points to bring in your project.
8.57 Kari: “A clipboard with marker :) “
9.30 My soul room is still an oval and one side is completely white with windows to a green garden and the other side all pink and orange and yellow full of beautiful furnishings.
10.20 Let’s get the clarity of definition for our projects: the aim for ourself and the aim for the world.
11.00 Kari arranges a comfy chair and light emanates form all parts of her body…Cosmic Kari Star
11.30 For me its always about fulfilling my soul template, a full expression of Human potential in a wider experience than we’ve been led to believe: bringing the breadth and depth of the Soul to myself- filling out my own potential.
And the message for the world is the ability to identify an issue that i have the potential to contribute to, formulate and insert, develop or place, a new piece of information: a specific sound frequency to introduce into the grid of consciousness to free ourselves from the entrapment of the old hypnotic trappings we had to listen to sound through, and release us into a clearer, purer state where we can actually hear true frequencies, without any distortions in the way.
13.20 Kari speaks of the song I just recorded and sent to her: “voice with overlays..very beautiful, bu try the end, she got so intense with her voice that it sent waves of energy rising up through my body, and coming out of my spine like this, ( hand movements), that just kept coming and coming and flowing…it was …what, wow! - to whichIsabel responded that this is ‘true frequency’ - or ‘true voice’. So I’m finding out that she has quite the genius that she never did brag about, and I’m discovering it as we go along. “
15.00 Kari descirbes her mission :
“We are exploring and grounding a structure so that we will know how to transmit these positive, beautiful high frequencies of love and clarity out through the temples and cathedrals and the ‘grid - world’ is that it gets transmitted out to all people and breaks through the old programmes.
And so one of the programmes is that men have disconnected for the heart of the divine feminine female and she has been left kind of stranded - we can’t get satisfaction with men and we can’t get them to understand us. And so, when the two hearts connect during the process of, ‘The Great Circle of Desire’, which opens the bodies of males and females, their original design of full polarisation - that is, the masculine essence maximised, and the feminine essence maximised to be so deeply, deeply in love with each other, and recognise each other as the compliment in the circle that creates the energy of the world.
And we want to return that to all beings on the earth, so that they have a choice, whether they want that particular ecstasy in their life. And to have it back brings balance and the end of gender war - which is the end of war.
When the male and female accept and one each otters for exactly who they are in their original blueprint- no agendas, but harmonising. - And this is the future of the era that we are in right now- I don’t know how long its mean to last….but this is what we are entering now and that’s why i am allowed to bring this information……”
18.20 It needed to be expressed- and it is no longer hidden.
19.30 It’s about frequency insertion- both of is bringing in different pieces of information.
20.00 Kari: “The light is so strong from the coming together of the two hearts…the light implosion, fusion just wipes away the darkness!”
21.00 the telling of the ‘terrible things’ - but now it is time for SOULUTIONS: and take ‘Godfidence’ and present solutions at every place. We have to start to be the Souls with the ‘ution’ - otherwise we are lagging behind.
21.50 Kari: “We must work with- as Tesla says - ‘frequency, vibration and energy.” (“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ― Nikola Tesla)
22.00 Kari: “We have to work with sound….all we have to do is turn the love of our hearts through that frequency with the intention to cure and to reverse that and to release the true human potential…and get people behind it.”
23.00 Kari sits in her column of light to receive her first three specific actions to do to bring this through:
1. Launch Golden Goddesses with Sara in Portugal with some videos (Golden Goddesses: the use of sound and world prayer to open the hearts of men and women around sth world.)
2. Finish my audio book
3. Finish the initial video with the couple in Portugal
4. Find out how to package these

25.50 Isabel’:
1. New way of writing with JUST the voice for my new album songs- each for a certain emotional state and bring them to finished state.
2. Formal request o Prime Creator to take my songs to Shawn Joseph Mastering, Bristol
3. To bring this to the public sphere in little tiny live moments….filmed outside in nature and buy a selfie stick.
29.00 Sounds in Kari’s work, encouraging sound expression through the beautiful embrace structure…
29.45 Kari: “Couples in the embrace, giving energy up into the heavens and down into the earth, making harmonics….”and lots of sound application ideas…..and then we dissolve into naughty laughter….and excitement.
32.50 Kari: Learning to package the parts together and promote it: Kari descirbes this and adds a work book.
34.50 We get talking on the rapture theme…Kari: “stepping over the threshold into the presence of God” and flying helium-power dolls…
36.30 Kari describes making the videos:
37.00 Could Kari send images for her book as background when they are demo-ing her method.
39.00 I talk colours on bedroom space walls…offering to design with he couples Kari works with, using Feng sub and remote-viewing energetically….
40.00 Kari’s testament to the work we have been doing.

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