Assassination of Lavoy Finicum - It's Happened Before

1 year ago
The House Select Committee on the Weaponization of Government has exposed a litany of abuses by federal agencies against the American people during the past 10 years, but in reality it has happened with increasing intensity for many generations, and will most assuredly happen again, unless we dismantle the offending agencies and prosecute those individuals in control that allowed this to happen.

We need look no further than the Church Commission investigations into the CIAs MK Ultra program, the FBIs Project Monarch, the FBIs armed attacks and burning of the Branch Davidian compound, the murder of Vicky Weaver, the Bundy/Hammond/ Malheur Standoffs to realize that many government agencies have been weaponized against the American people for a very long time.

It only recently registered with most people as being abusive because of intensity, frequency, and the open contempt our rulers and their bureaucratic toady's have for American society in general.

What was hiding in plain sight is now visible.....even to those choosing to ignore reality.

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