For those not familiar with Victoria Nuland… 🤮🤮🤮

1 year ago

◾️In 2014, Biden oversaw the overthrow of the Ukrainian President Yanukovich.
◾️Victoria Nuland handpicked the new puppet government of Kiev - (listen to the leaked phonecall, in which they call the Mayor of Kiev, Klitschko, a "complicated electron”)
◾️Azov Battalion and other extremist fringe groups were nurtured and weaponized against Russia and Russian-speakers.
◾️Russia then took back Crimea, its historic Naval port and ONLY access to the Black Sea.
◾️Putin did not take back the Donbass then, which is now at the center of the conflict - in hope that Ukraine and its handlers would fulfil the Minsk agreements (which promised referanda in Donbass.)
And The evil war monger has been promoted…! 😡🤮😡

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