Detailed Outside Sandy Hook pictures. Mold, weeds, hanging wires, windows covered up, no buzzer

1 year ago

Published on Feb 26, 2014

"UPDATE - 3/3/14 - Proof Soto's Classroom Staged for Photos - inside and out.

Here are the pictures from the outside of the school. You will see hanging loose wires, mold, weeds in the cracks of the cement, windows covered up with furniture, algae in front of doors that would be used. No buzzer system or signs at the front door to let me know you have to buzz in. Even high schools and every school I have been to, has some type of signs on the front door. But nothing on these. Bullet hole in window, yet paper is intact where the bullet would have gone through.

I did this last December but am finally getting it up on youtube.

3/1/14 - Video of what bothered me about Soto's windows, besides the furniture. I figured it out. The paper candles.

Police didn't know where the school was, got lost and turned around 4 times.

Update - 3/5/14 - Official Timeline does not match Police Dash Cam Video of children being evacuated.


If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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