OZ Fest Summer Nights Radio: 007 In Atlantis

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History, nostalgia, music and musings with The Mighty Humanzee.

Tonight, John Dee the first 007 for Queen Elizabeth I was a mentor for Francis Bacon, who wrote the New Atlantis. Bacon, one of the father’s of the Enlightenment, transformed western thinking. Rational thinking coupled with observations were the key to freeing the mind. What we have today with Severed Conscience no longer conforms with Bacon’s philosophy and scientific method.

We have lost the war for our minds. The price: we are kept in a state of fear and delight all driven by external forces, by AI, by technology platforms that fool us into thinking we are freely expressing ourselves, that inhibit us from exercising our will and making choices. That stunts our self awareness because our fears and emotions are played upon. That state of mind is Severed Conscience.

To purchase our documentary go to https://severedconscience.com

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