Steps of the awakening of the true Israelites Negroes in the last days

1 year ago

This is originally posted at @apostlecurtislouisakascmfoy
In this post review, I will show and prove, with the holy scriptures, that this Hebrew Israelite awakening is backed up by God's word every step of the way. I challenge (In the love of Yah God Almighty) Western Eurocentric Christianity, along with all of its black and white ministers, to show us another ethnicity anywhere on the planet where these scriptures are being fulfilled with any other people other than the Negroes in the lands of their captivity. I will be waiting !!!

I strongly suggest you consider subscribing to his channel and checking out some of his messages.

#hebrew #israelite #african #american #yah #yahuah #yahusha #shalom

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