Hellraiser - Call of Duty Custom Zombies Map

1 year ago

Hellraiser - Call of Duty Custom Zombies Map has a really cool easter egg quest, but no buyable ending.

Map created by Copforthat on Steam

Map download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2996750669

Map Features and Description

When tinkering with a box he bought while abroad, Frank Cotton accidentally opens a portal to hell, unleashing a hoard of the undead and their gruesome leaders into the Overworld. It is up to you to find the source of their power and banish them back to where they came from!

This map was made for NoahJ's 30-Day Mapping Contest. It is designed to be played SOLO as it utilizes tricks and illusions that may break when playing with multiple people.

This map contains copyrighted music and snippets from the Hellraiser OST, you can turn it off in the settings with the Music Slider. Created by Copforthat (sean)

#noahj30daycahllenge #hellraiser #bo3hellraiserzombies #bo3customzombies

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