3 poems from today

1 year ago

Witness words of choice pleasing notions of love. I belong to unconditional love alone. Nothing stops the peace of salvation by Yeshua. He saves this world's people who bond with him. I belong with my king His words I cling to his sight I seek. Under his guidance I am secure, with his love I am given grace.

Twelve ministers of war given the spirit of love and peace. Make truth known to all. I stand beside the lamb. He is my King. Strengthen our wisdom and give our treasure to our King. Only he may give put immortality only he may speak to our souls. Joyous moment to greet our father in his court. Seven crowns for seven servants of our prince who sits upon the throne at Gods right hand.

Treasure stored with the king. Saving grace of words from the free. Nourish the light within me. Favor those who seek truth over desires. Life begins with honey and milk mixed in my flour. Saints and Martyrs for our King. Yeshua I serve you alone in life and beyond. Best friends are rare you are my brother. Humble servant you died for me. Love saves us from death's icy grasp. I know my king will raise me to be free.

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