shadat ali asghar ka waqia | shahadat ali asghar حضرت علی اصغر شادات ali asghar

1 year ago

Ali Asgar was born in Medina on the 9th of Rajab, 60
AH. His father's other sons were Imam Zayn al-Abidin
and 'Ali al-Akbar. 'Abdullah's three sisters were
Rugayyah (Sukainah), Fatimah al-Kubra (Sakinah) and
Fatimah al-Sughra.
Rubab and her two children, Sakina and Ali Asghar,
accompanied Husayn to Karbala. In hagiography
about the Battle, Husayn's camp at one time was cut
off from water supplies from 7th Moharram til Ashura
and so Husayn went to Yazid's besieging forces to
plead for water for the women and children in his
camp. Husayn had brought along Ali Asghar for
mercy, but Yazid's soldiers then martyred Ali by an
arrow to his throat. Shia tradition relates that Ali
Asghar was martyred by an opposing soldier named
Hurmala with a three-headed arrow when he moved
his neck to stop the arrow from hitting his father. Ali
Asghar was only six months old when he died. He is
honored by Shia as the youngest person martyred at
the Battle of Karbala.

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