Part 1. The Chronology Of The Christ Event.

1 year ago

Join me in a 3 part video series surrounding the Jesus Christ story and other religious matters. Understanding Jesus is the name given to the one who can raise his Christ within.
Realize every man on earth has this opportunity ( his actual goal in life) as he dwells in this perceived physical realm. He is to achieve a higher consciousness.
Patience is needed by the viewer as I meander through my notes.
So, in summary, Jesus the person was conceived as a child in March, Aries (a "Cardinal" direction) in the Moon sign of Pisces. He was physically born 9 months later in the Sun sign of Capricorn, at another "cardinal" direction, with his Moon sign possibly being in the sign of Pisces again, as the perfect representation of an enlightened being, but not necessarily, Gemini comes to mind. The Moon could be in any sign at this point I am thinking. It was later on in life that he went through his second born, his spiritual birth. This took place at full moon in the sign of Pisces on a Wednesday the 6th day of Spring now known as September, 17 days after the full solar eclipse, which took place on the 21st day of August (this is written) when the sun and moon at new moon were both in LEO, 29 degrees, on the diagonal from the Cardinals is the direction of the Saints ! The ancient Egyptians have this marked for us with the 3 pyramids and the Sphinx's position. 40 days and 40 nights later it was the 17th day of the second month just as scripture describes it. Not that anyone understands the Nohah story though.
Ash Wednesday was on the day of creation, the 6th day. It was also the hour of his passover, when the Moon hit full moon, at 3:00am or 3:03 am. 3 days later when the Moon came out of the Tomb (Milky Way) it was Good Friday. Mary the Moon was in the Tomb alone with Christ the Sun wasn't she ? or first there, in the story. Yes, Christ is the Sun which resides in the Milky Way.
I have based all this information on the divine celestial alignment that took place on the 6th day of September 2017, the end of Pisces. It is also written that a man named Trump with a son called Byron will be the last American President ????? The last in the constellation of Pisces ......

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