CCP staffs the police stations to track down Chinese dissidents in America

1 year ago

07/27/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The supporters of New Federal State of China and whistleblower movement, especially Mr. Miles Guo, are the CCP enemy No.1, who suffered from day one. The CCP staffs the police stations to track down Chinese dissidents in America. So Chinese Americans and dissidents don't have real freedom or the rule of law to protect them. It will be worse in the whole world.
07/27/2023 罗伊做客《Wayne Dupree》播客节目,讲述新中国联邦和爆料革命的支持者,特别是郭文贵先生,是中共的头号敌人,深受中共的迫害。中共在美国设立秘密警察局,追踪在美异议人士。所有美籍华人和中共异议人士并没有自由,因为没有能够保护其安全的法治。放眼全世界,情况只能更糟。

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