Miles Guo Accurately Predicted Qin Gang's Disappearance 11 Months Ago

1 year ago

07/27/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: For the past month, the CCP's Foreign Affairs Minister, Qin Gang, has been in a state of disappearance. Media, individuals, and nations have all been asking: Where did he go? Miles Guo had predicted Qin Gang’s disappearance 11 months ago, stating that he had planned to marry President Xi Jinping's daughter, but the plan ultimately failed. Miles Guo's intelligence has always been highly accurate.
07/27/2023 罗伊做客《Wayne Dupree Podcast》节目:过去一个月,中共外交部长秦刚都处于失踪状态。所有媒体、个人和国家都在问,他到底去了哪里。郭文贵先生早在11个月之前就预言了秦刚的消失,秦刚原本计划要和习近平主席的女儿结婚,但最后计划落空。郭文贵先生的情报一直都非常准确。

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