Adapting the Baptist Faith and Message (Motivation and Article 1)

1 year ago

Session 1:
1:01 What is the Baptist Faith and Message (BFM) and why are we looking at it.
2:05 "Lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:1-6),
4:37 "Wolves among us" vs. "Overseers caring for the church of God" (Acts20:28-31).
9:51 PBC is adapting the BFM. You don't need to believe in order to be a member. But you must teach according to the BFM.
12:50 Comparing the current PBC Statement of Faith with the BFM.
17:00 Roadmap. The adapted BFM will be proposed at the 2024 PBC AGM.
20:30 Article 1: The Scriptures
22:55 Do I understand it, agree with it and know the reason for it?
24:14 "The Holy Bible... divinely inspired... God's revelation..."
27:00 Q&A: Divinely inspired. Did God possess the writers? What is inspiration?
41:45 Q&A: Can we still "add on" to the Bible if someone is "divinely inspired" in this era and generation?
44:00 Q&A: What if someone discovers new scripture?
47:40 Q&A: What about the extra books in the Roman Catholic Bible?
49:30 "... perfect treasure ... totally true and trustworthy."
54:23 Q&A: Why say Scripture instead of Holy Bible?
56:50 "... God judges us... Christian union... supreme standard..."
1:01:00 Q&A: "Does an unbeliever need to read the Bible before praying to God?"
1:07:07 "... testimony to Scripture... focus of divine revelation."
1:12:00 Q&A: Is Article 1 accepted by all the major denominations?

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