Battles Of The American Civil War | Ep. 37 | Cotton Plant | Murfreesboro | Baton Rouge | Kirksville

1 year ago


This episode was originally released on November 14th, 2022. If you want to listen to the rest of our back catalog or if you prefer to listen on your favorite podcast app, click the link below!

After the Seven Days Battles we move away from Virginia with a few minor battles. We go Arkansas on July 7th, 1862 for the battle of Cotton Plant then move to Tennessee with Murfreesboro on the 13th. On August 5th we are in Baton Rouge and we wrap up the episode with the battle of Kirksville from August 6th-9th. Kirksville is notable for the killings of at least 1 citizen and a few Rebel soldiers after the battle by Union forces under Colonol John McNeil.

Link to our new show "According To Wikipedia"

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