Just by following its #bliss, the honeybee keeps the whole planet alive. life-giving #selfishness.

1 year ago

The really cool thing about the honeybee is that while doing what it is intrinsically meant to do (the same as you following your inner calling or dream)... it serves basically all of existence through pollination.A quick lesson on what bees and honeybees do in the process of following their intrinsic calling:

⇒ At least 30% of the world’s crops and 90% of all plants require cross-pollination to spread and thrive.

⇒ Pollinators like honeybees play a key role in one out of every three bites of food we eat!
⇒ Tropical forests, woodlands, and even deciduous forests rely on pollination. Many tree species couldn’t grow without it.
⇒ Because of their pollination, bees are responsible for the production of many seeds, nuts, berries, and fruit. in fact, without bees, there would be a mass die-off of most species on earth (see The Bee Movie for a chilling visual warning)
Basically, just by doing what they are supposed to do, make honey... honeybees positively contribute to nearly every part of the ecosystem on the planet!

You’re no different.

When you’re doing what you’re supposed to do... you’ll serve in ways you never even imagined, without even trying.
You’ll just by default pollinate and place seeds of greatness in your family, your community, and even the world.
Follow your inner calling, and even if the people and causes you are meant to serve never become totally clear... your purpose will happen by default.

- excerpted from the 30 minute workday escape plan. continue reading this and more for free - visit the link in my bio - marketwithalpha.com to download your copy of the six-figure Escape Plan for free.

okay like comment subscribe visit the link in my bio and i’ll catch you in the next one

until then make it a divine day!

Alpha Lim, Malaysian Home Business Daddy
Helping busy people start a home business for themselves

Download my six-figure Escape Plan for free at my website https://marketwithalpha.com/

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