Moco Resistance: Episode 7, July 29, 2023 "Occupation Getting Nervous"

1 year ago

- Occupation Getting Nervous -

County residents continue to awaken to the reality of our government lies at all levels. County Council members show their incompetence as crime ravages throughout the county and around the DMV.

This week we interview the head of Moms for Liberty. It's another grassroots organization that is fighting for parents rights, tackling the issues parents and students care about with regards to the tyrannical Board of Education's stance on not allowing parents to opt-out from the sexualized curriculum. Parents are getting organized and will fight to the end.

To all county government officials reading this, you have a chance to the right thing and if not, you're going to face legal actions. You're going against the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.

Moms for Liberty:


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