Quick Tip: Where to Put Your Holster

1 year ago

Hey guys, what's going on? In this quick tip, I just want to show you very quickly where you should place your holster. It's a question I get all the time and obviously with so many different holsters and types of firearms and different body designs and all that, different places to carry. There are literally hundreds or thousands of combinations, but this is the one tip that you need to be able to figure out where you need to put your holster.
Now, first off, obviously you're going to figure out where you're going to carry it so inside the waistband or an appendix carry. Is it outside, or under the arm, wherever it is, figure out where that is.
Then what I want you to do is get a good solid grip on your firearm and I do that by getting into my shooting position and now when I have my good grip, now I can go back with this perfect grip because once I grip my firearm, that's all I get.
I don't get to keep trying to regrip. The gun is I'm coming out trying to shoot. Right? I want to have a good grip from the start. So start with a good grip. Now say, for instance, I'm going to put it on outside my waistband here on my side. What's a normal position for my hand to be in here? So like what can I get to? Maybe I can't get back because of my shoulders a little tight. I can't get this far back. Okay. So I know it needs to be here. Some people ask me should I have a cant, should it be canted out? Should it be canted back or forward? These are all things you can only figure out with you and your gun in your perfect grip. I don't like cants at all.
A lot of people will count it out usually because you have love handles or a little bit more than love handles. So I'd say work on that first, but figure out where that is. If it's inside here, where is it comfortable in here? Where can you get a good grip from and that's where it's going to be.
So that is your tip for how to find the right place to put your holster. Now, if you liked this video, please go ahead and hit the subscribe button. If you haven't done that, if you liked it, click the like button there, please do that for me. It really helps me out. And if there's somebody you think that would like this video, go ahead and share it up with them. I really appreciate it. It also allows me to put out more free videos like this, so if you like this, please do that.
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